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C1-C5 X1-X5 Z1-Z5 要猎狐者的 满意追加悬赏。

了解 "Roger that."
不可以 "Negative."
-MSG "Negative. That will not count."
-MSG "Negative. Over & out."
发现敌人 "Enemy in sight."
-MSG "Enemy spotted."
发现C4 "Bomb spotted."
这里安全 "Sector clear."
-MSG "Area clear."

漂亮 "Nice shot."
-MSG "Good shot."
-MSG "Good job."
奋发向上&让他们尝尝我们的厉害 "Take’em down team."
-MSG "Keep going & stay strong team."
跟我来 "Follow me."
-MSG "Follow."
需要支援 "Need assistance."
先锋人员请等待 "Keep front lines team."

A点集合 "A site."
B点集合 "B site."
坚守阵地 "Team, Hold position."
全体集合 "Stick together team."
突破 "Storm the front!!!"
